A multiplier event took place in Palermo on 16th February 2022. The skillsAct4Vet platform was presented to 12 teachers. They studied the materials and attended workshops about the possible uses of the platform content. Teachers were particularly interested in the modules concerning the activation of the soft skills before the internship abroad. During the workshops they studied how to develop lessons using the platform contents. One of the idea they developed was to create “lesson study lessons ” on soft skills. During the same days Pietro Piazza school in Palermo was hosting teachers from Norway, in particular Therese Aase and Arild Nyvoll who are experts in lesson study. They shared their materials with us and they answered to our questions.
Therese can you tell us what is Lesson Study (LS) ?

Lesson Study is a Japanese model where small groups of teachers focus to target an identified area for development in their students’ learning.
They research, plan, teach and observe lessons, using ongoing discussion and reflection.
The Japanese Lesson Study model has been advocated in the UK for some time.
The Lesson study methodology follows a circle : plan, observe, reflect and plan again

To understand Lesson Study teachers can watch the following video :
Arild what is the aim of Lesson Study ?

The aim of lesson study is:
- More focus on the students’ learning
- Implement a “professional learning environment”
- Reflect upon our own teaching and how students learn the most
- Find the answer to our research question by observing the students and their learning potential during the LS lesson ( with an Extra eye on the case students )
- Google forms evaluation for student after class and group reflection in the teacher groups, to analyze what students learned and to help us develop our teaching
- Learn from each other and share great ideas
Therese, Arild how can we develop lesson study lessons on soft skills?
A possible practical challenge could be to Plan a Lesson Study Lesson following these rules
- Form groups of 2-3 teachers together
- Focus on one of the 5 main soft skills of the skills act4 vet platform
- Decide on a research question linked to that soft skill.
- Plan the lesson with your colleagues
- Pick 2 case pupils (extra focus on those)
- If possible (observe each other’s lesson)
- Evaluate the students’ learning related to your research question:
- Use google forms for student evaluation (3 questions to help you answer your research question)
- Reflect upon the lesson with your collegues
Example of a lesson study lesson performed by Therese at Høyland Secondary School in Norway on oracy. Materials provided by Therese Aase
Subject English
Theme: Oracy: Learn to talk and Learn through talk
Preparatory lesson: perform a test discussion in groups. Discussion rules should be settled first.
Rules for good group-discussions.
Common ground rules.
- A group leader makes sure that everybody speaks in turn.
- Discuss each “talking point”
- Use the “talk tools” (see appendix).
- Discuss in English!
- Explain your opinions.
- Be active listeners to learn more from the others.
- Write keywords (referenten).
- Second discussion round (possible to add something or change opinion).
- Summarize the group’s opinion(s). Agree on what to present in class.
- The goupleader presents briefly in class. Raise your voice.
Divide students into groups of 4, in each group students choose a group leader and a person taking notes
Video 1: About the winners of the Nobel’s Peace Prize 2021:
The journalists Maria Ressa (Fillipines) and
Dmitrij Muratov (Russia).
- We will watch the video where the prize winners are announced:
Discuss these talking points in groups
- The Peace Prize winners are heroes. (Why?)
- This year’s peace prize should have been received by other candidates. (Why?)
- The prize is important to create heroes. (In what way?)
- I knew who the winners were before we learned about it in class. (What did you know about them?)
Video 2: What would you do?
White waitress wants black diners to prepay for their meals:
Talking points to discuss after watching video 2:
Do you agree or disagree. Explain why!
would stand up for the coloured customers. (How and why?)
I would have confronted the waitress. (What would you say and why?)
I would not have interfered. (Why?)
The waitress is not a hero nor is she doing her job well. (Why not?)
Some of the other customers are not heroes either. (Why not?)
Some of the other customers could be called heroes. (Who and why?)
There is a picture of a famous “hero” on the wall of the restaurant. (Who? Why is he a hero?)
How was this lesson?
Now, go to “English” in “Classroom” and answer the 4 questions in google forms. Remember to hand it in:-)
Lesson study form
To plan and organize a lesson study lessons in a collaborative way, in Høyland Secondary School teachers use the scheme below
Focus area: eg oracy
Subtheme: eg Learning through talk
Research question: eg do students use the common ground rules?
Goal for the lesson? :
What do you want your students to learn? :
Organization and methods :
Explain your choices:
Focus students:
Predict how these students will react:
How will you check your students’ learning? :
Talk Tools
“Talk tools” for discussions in English
What you think about somebody/something
- As far as I’m concerned …
- I think …
- In my opinion …
- As far as I know …
- In my view …
- I don’t think …
- I don’t believe that …
- Well, if you ask me …
- If you want my honest opinion …
- I’ve never come across the idea that …
How to agree/disagree
- I must admit that …
- I totally/fully/partly agree.
- I agree/don’t agree with you.
- I believe/don’t believe …
- I’m convinced that …
- The way I see it …
- It seems to me that …
- I wouldn’t say that …
- I don’t think so.
- You’re right up to a point.
- You could be right.
- That can’t be right.
- I don’t agree at all.
- As a matter of fact, …
- That’s right/wrong.
- Exactly.
- I can understand …
- It’s hard to say.
- It’s a fact that …
- However, …
- That’s why …
- So do I.
- Neither do I.
Asking for clarification
- What do you think?
- What’s your opinion?
- Would you like to say something?
- What do you mean?
- What are your ideas?
- What are you trying to say?
How to interrupt politely
- I’m sorry, but …
- Can/May I add something?
Other opinions
- On the one hand … on the other hand …
- They claim that …
- They also say …
- Opinion among teachers is that …
- That’s a matter of opinion.
Phrases to keep a discussion going
- Let’s get back to …
- As we just heard …
- Where were we?