Articolo in Italiano a questo link

The mean proficiency score of Italian adults in literacy is significantly below the average of the OECD countries participating in the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC). In numeracy, the mean proficiency score is significantly below the average. According to Dr Inez Bailey, who works at NALA, integration of literacy and numeracy across adult education is necessary but it is less likely to succeed where teachers are left alone. An integrated policy approach in basic skills provision as well as the use of effective guidance tools are also recommended in the implementation of the Upskilling Pathways European Recommendation.
ADi , a cultural nonprofit organisation recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education as a qualified Association in the training of Italian teachers and School Principals, is a member of the EBSN European Network. The European Basic Skills Network, EBSN, is an association of policy level stakeholders engaged in basic skills training for adults. ADi would like to improve Italian adult teaching practice supporting teachers’ effective cooperation with EBSN members and creating a reference group of experts in the field of adult education.
Project’s objectives

Adi main goal is to establish a new national network of adult education experts and facilitate their involvement in European cooperation, at the same time the project activities will strengthen existing national and transnational networks of adult education providers by means of mutual learning, peer counselling, and capacity building. The project will foster National and European cooperation on specific issues connected with the European Recommendation “Upskilling Pathways” : teaching basic skills in adult education, using tools for adult guidance and adult basic skills self assessment
Number and profile of participants, activities

Ten ADi associated teachers and school leaders working in adult education and training or working inside the steering committee of the EBSN network, will attend the 2020 and 2021 annual EBSN congresses. Before and after the training events they will study and translate materials related to the congress main themes. These materials will provide Moodle on line courses, articles and newsletters that the association will spread at a national level.
Expected results

Ten persons will be trained on the main topics concerning the European recommendation “Upskilling pathways”. Three new on line courses will be created on the same subjects.
New cooperations between Italian adult education providers and EBSN members’ organisations will be established. A permanent group of Italian experts on adult education will be set up.
Potential longer-term benefits :
1)To foster Italian cooperation at an European level on specific issues in adult learning
2)To increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of good practices in the implementation of the European Recommendation “Upskilling Pathways”
3)To foster active engagement of teachers and school leaders in supporting integration of literacy and numeracy in adult education
Project card https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-IT02-KA104-077917